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One simple editing trick to make your photos pop...

We've all been there - hours of editing images and there's still something missing, but you just can't figure out what it is.

I use Lightroom Classic to edit all of my images (I used to use Lightroom, but I'll make another post on the benefits of Classic). I used to play with the highlights, shadows, contrast, whites, blacks, curves, you name it, to try to give my photos that pop they were missing. It often felt like the whites weren't white enough but when I would lift them I'd risk over exposure or too much contrast.

If you're asking the same question, the answer is... LEVELS. If you don't have Photoshop you should absolutely invest - Adobe do a photography package rather than the full Creative Cloud package which includes Photoshop, Lightroom and Lightroom Classic for £10 per month (not sponsored, I wish).

After I edit my images in Lightroom Classic, I right click and select edit in Photoshop. This opens the edited RAW version in Photoshop without having to save as JPEG or PNG first. At the top of your screen go to Image, Adjustments then Levels, or just click Control L on Windows or Command L on Mac which will then open Levels for that image. Your levels should generally look like a mountain. Move the tab on the right hand side of the 'mountain' until it is just in line with the edge. Do the same on the left hand side of the 'mountain'. Click done and it is honestly that simple!

This method gives my photos that boost they need to just make everything pop. Try it on an edit you've been struggling with and see the difference.

I will add that although I've learnt a lot of my photography knowledge from art school, the rest of it does come from experimenting and watching YouTube tutorials, so if you know another method that works for you, please share!

Much love,

Heather x

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